FAQ on 'interim work'
Everything you should know when working as a temporary employee or 'interim worker'.

An answer to all your questions about temporary work!
Looking for help or info on your temp job? You're at the right place! Check the FAQ about your contract, wage, benefits, sick or holiday leave as an interim worker. Contact the Helpdesk Interim United or download the brochure! 👇
Do I need to sign a contract as an interim worker?
Signed contract
Yes: your temporary work agency must provide in a written work agreement or contract. The contract has to be signed before you start the assignment by both the agency and yourself. This can be done on paper or electronically.
Model 'work agreement'
Agencies have to use the a ‘model contract’ which must at least include the following elements: the company where you will be working, the contract type, the reason for using temporary employment, the duration of the contract, the work schedule, the wage and supplementary benefits, …
Other documents
Before you can start working as an interim worker, you should also receive the following documents:
- A declaration of intent, signed by you and the agency
- The employment regulations of the agency and the company where you will be working
Do you have a problem, or do you have any questions?
Our ACV-CSC trade union representatives in the company where you work will be happy to help you. You can also contact the Interim United Helpdesk via mail: interim@acv-csc.be.
Check our brochure SOS Interim. 20 questions, 20 answers for more info.
How about working with daily contracts?
Specific conditions
Successive daily contracts are interim contracts with the same user company with a maximum duration of 24 hours. They follow each other, are separated by a public holiday or by a normal day off for the user.
Daily contracts are only allowed when specific conditions are met. The company must be able to justify the use of daily contracts.
Have you been working with daily contracts (successive or otherwise) in the same company for a while? You might now be entitled to a contract with a longer duration!
Do you have a problem, or do you have any questions?
Our ACV-CSC trade union representatives in the company where you work will be happy to help you. You can also contact the Interim United Helpdesk via mail: interim@acv-csc.be.
Check our brochure SOS Interim. 20 questions, 20 answers for more info.
Can I end my interim contract?
Both parties have to agree
An interim contract is an agreement for a fixed duration. Unless both you and the agency agree to end the contract, you have to work until the end of the contract.
Do you want to end your contract voluntarily? You can only end your interim contract if the agency agrees to this. If you are not going to work and have signed a contract, the agency can demand compensation from you.
On the other hand, the agency has the obligation to pay the wage for the entire duration of the contract, even if the agency does not employ you further.
Important side note: these rules only apply if you work with a signed the contract.
Do you have a problem, or do you have any questions?
Our ACV-CSC trade union representatives in the company where you work will be happy to help you. You can also contact the Interim United Helpdesk via mail: interim@acv-csc.be.
Check our brochure SOS Interim. 20 questions, 20 answers for more info.
What if I become unemployed after a period of interim work?
Unemployment benefits
Is your contract not extended or renewed? After the end of your contract, the agency pays your wages for the period worked. If the contract is not renewed or extended, you are entitled to a temporary or full-time unemployment benefit payment.
To receive your unemployment benefits you need to:
- Register with Actiris (Brussels Capital Region), VDAB (Flanders), FOREM (Wallonia) within eight days after you last employment
- Have a C4 dismissal letter and an employment certificate from your agency
- Have an unemployment file, for instance with the ACV-CSC. Make sure your unemployment file is always in order, and act quickly. That way, you avoid a lot of administrative hassle and possible penalties.
Unemployement file
To receive your unemployment benefits, you need to have a unemployment file.
- f you're receiving such benefits for the first time, ACV-CSC can prepare such a file. Check our contact options for het ACV or la CSC.
- If you already have an unemployment file created in a ACV-CSC services centre, you can always consult your file online through Mijn ACV or Ma CSC.
Do you have a problem, or do you have any questions?
Our ACV-CSC trade union representatives in the company where you work will be happy to help you. You can also contact the Interim United Helpdesk via mail: interim@acv-csc.be.
Check our brochure SOS Interim. 20 questions, 20 answers for more info.
What do I earn as an interim worker?
Same wage as other employees
As an interim worker, you are entitled to the same wage as the comparable permanent employee with the same position in the company where you work.
If the permanent employees have other wage benefits such as luncheon vouchers, ecocheques, travel expenses, shift premiums and home-working premiums, you are also entitled to these as an interim worker.
Your wage and any other benefits are paid by the agency.
Also good to know:
- Your wage as an interim worker depends on the type of work you do and the sector you work in. In certain sectors, interim workers are entitled to a ‘premium for supplementary pension’ on top of the gross wage.
- You can always ask the agency to adjust your advance tax payment to your professional activity or to your family situation.
- If the permanent employees have other wage benefits, you are also entitled to this as an interim worker! Such benefits are sometimes only assigned after six months of seniority.
Do you have a problem, or do you have any questions?
Our ACV-CSC trade union representatives in the company where you work will be happy to help you. You can also contact the Interim United Helpdesk via mail: interim@acv-csc.be.
Check our brochure SOS Interim. 20 questions, 20 answers for more info.
Am I entitled to an annual holiday and holiday pay?
Yes! Paid leave and public holidays are part of the wage. Whether you’re an interim worker, or work as a permanent employer. At least in theory, because it can sometimes be different in practice. In most cases, as an interim worker you cannot take paid leave during your employment at the company.
Who pays the holiday pay?
For a blue-collar worker, the wage for holiday days is payed by the National office for annual holidays (ONVA/RJV). You will receive your holidy pay by bank transfer into your account in May or June.
Important note: the holiday pay is only paid out after you have given your account number to the ONVA/RJV.
For a white-collar worker, the payment of the holiday pay is arranged through the agency. The happens at the same time with and on top of the wage that is paid out at the end of each contract.
How many holiday days are you entitled to?
The number of holiday days is calculated based on the number of days you worked in the previous year. From 231 days, you will get the maximum number of 20 holiday days.
The number of equated days off (due to sickness, ....) is also included in calculating the number of days worked.
How do you take paid leave?
You can ask the agency to take leave during your contract. Agencies usually refuse that.
It is therefore a good idea:
- To discuss this in advance with the agency.
- If you have received a written refusal, send this to the Helpdesk Interim United. We can use this to demand that they respect your right to take paid leave.
- To take paid leave days your are entitled to. At times when you have no assignments, you can, of course, apply for unemployment benefit payments.
- Use all of your paid leave days by the end of the calender year. In December you cannot request unemployment days if you have not yet taken all of your paid leave.
Do you have a problem, or do you have any questions?
Our ACV-CSC trade union representatives in the company where you work will be happy to help you. You can also contact the Interim United Helpdesk via mail: interim@acv-csc.be.
Check our brochure SOS Interim. 20 questions, 20 answers for more info.
What happens if I'm sick or have a work accident?
Notify your agency
If you become sick during an interim assignment, you must notify the agency immediately, and preferably also your health insurance fund.
You must present a medical certificate to the agency, often within a very short time. Ask your agency about the policy or check the employment regulations to be sure about this.
Also notify the company where you are currently working.
Guaranteed wage
- You are entitled to a guaranteed wage if you have been working for the same agency for at least one month. The wage guarantee applies until the end of your contract (end of the week, month, ....).
After that, or when you are not entitled to a guaranteed wage, you will receive a sickness payment from the health insurance fund from day one.
- If you are sick for longer than one month – if you meet a number of conditions – you can receive a payment from the Social Fund for Interim Workers. For this, you should contact your ACV-CSC services centre.
- If your sickness period continues after the end of your contract, you are entitled to a supplementary payment provided that you have a sickness certificate for that period and worked at the same agency and the same company for at least one month. The agency makes this supplementary payment up to 30 days after the first day of the guaranteed wage was paid.
What if you become sick after your interim assignment has ended?
Under certain conditions, you are entitled to a supplementary payment on top of the payment from the health insurance fund, made by the agency.
Interim workers who become sick on the first day of work following the end of their interim period are entitled to a payment on top of the payment from the health insurance fund for one week. That payment is made by the agency, and is around 25% of the wage.
This payment is only made if:
- You have worked 65 days without interruption, with the same agency and the same company.
- You have presented your medical certificate within 48 hours after the end of your last interim contract. That means even after your interim contract has ended, it is a good idea to present a certificate if your sickness lasts longer.
Accident at work
If you are the victim of a work accident, your medical expenses are refunded, and the agency continues to pay your wage until the end of the contract (if you have one month of seniority at the same agency.
After that, the insurance company makes the payment for your temporary incapacity to work. The key is to act quickly:
- Notify the agency and the company where you work immediately
- The agency is obliged to complete a work-accident declaration form (within 8 days!)
- Give the agency as much information as possible about the accident (photos, witnesses, ...)
- Also give these to the insurance company
- Ask your agency for a copy of the declaration and keep this safe
- Make sure you also notify the health insurance fund within 48 hours
Do you have a problem, or do you have any questions?
Our ACV-CSC trade union representatives in the company where you work will be happy to help you. You can also contact the Interim United Helpdesk via mail: interim@acv-csc.be.
Check our brochure SOS Interim. 20 questions, 20 answers for more info.
- You are entitled to a guaranteed wage if you have been working for the same agency for at least one month. The wage guarantee applies until the end of your contract (end of the week, month, ....).
Questions? Helpdesk Interim United is here for you!
Simply fill out the form or email us at interim@acv-csc.be. We aim to answer your question within 5 working days.
🆕 'SOS Interim workers, edition 2025'
What exactly is temporary or interim work? Who pays your salary? Do you get paid public holidays? How does interim work impact your social security benefits? Or what happens if you get sick or when your contract comes to and end?
Our guide aims to provide clear and accurate information for you as an interim worker, making sure you're well informed about your employment and rights.
As a member of ACV-CSC Interim United you:
✔ Are entitled to an annual benefit paid by the union of 112 euro!
✔ Receive support in case of unemployment. We prepare your unemployment documents and ensure smooth payment of your unemployment benefits.
✔ Get workplace assistance and information. Reach out to ACV-CSC representatives in your company or contact the Interim United Helpdesk at interim@acv-csc.be for any questions or support.
✔ Enjoy all additional advantages of being a member of ACV-CSC, Belgium's largest union.